We had so much fun celebrating the first 100 days of 1st grade today! The children were SOOO cute all dressed up as senior citizens... I loved it! Here are some photos of the kids... you should get a giggle or two out of them. I have a video of our "Senior Citizen Fashion Show," but I've hit my media limit on our classroom blog. Please wait for an e-mail invitation from me to a shared folder on Dropbox. You'll find the fashion show video in there. It's too cute!
Awww... look at all my "old" friends! Some of us can't even stand up straight! :)
Josiah, Sean, and Mason look awesome!
Here's what it looks like when old friends sit on a bench and hang out.
Loving Gregory's, Bryson's, and Noah's "old man" clothes!
Juan and Zachary need their glasses just to see these days. :)
{If you look closely, Zachary has a shirt full of stuffins today... it's an old-man belly!}
Lilly's hair looks great, especially since it's not normally close to this color.
Lots of powder completes this pretty girl's look. Beautiful!
Not only is Austin's tie super cool, but his silver hair and scruffy beard make him look so handsome!